Rose Gamblin, A.S., B.S., M.S., PhD 


P.h. D.     2007      Leadership                       Andrews University
M. Ed.      2002      Masters of Education     Frostburg State University
B.S.         1979      Elementary Education  Southwestern Adventist 
A.S.         1976      Liberal Studies                 Bismarck State College

Advanced Professional Certification 
Administrator I/II
Special Education
Middle School Math

Professional Certification 
Supervisor of Instruction
Elementary Education
Bible K-10
Mathematics K-12
English K-10
Music K-12
Spanish K-10
Health/PE K-10

Scholastic Distinctions
* Who’s Who in American Junior Colleges
* Member of Phi Theta Kappa
* Outstanding Pianist Award
* Graduated Summa Cum Laude with Departmental Honors
* Member of Pi Lambda Theta

Employment History

Principal/Teacher, Gettysburg Adventist School            2016-Present
Principal, Baltimore White Marsh Adventist School            2012-2016
President, MRG Media Ministries                                     2009-Present
Education Specialist, Review & Herald                                2006-2009 
Vice President of PR, Restore A Child                              2010-Present
Principal/Teacher Berkeley Springs SDA Jr Academy        1999-2005
Principal/Teacher Simi Valley Adventist  School                1993-1995

Director--Project Care Children’s Center                             1985-1987 
Higher Education
Grand Canyon University, Faculty Supervisor                  2014-Present
Penn State Mont Alto, Algebra 004                                     2006-2012
Frederick Community College, Mathematics                       2005-2006 

Secondary Education
Highland View Academy                                   2008-2009, 2011-2012
Eng I, III; Algebra I, Bell Choir

Elementary Education
Teacher 7-8 Mt. Aetna Elementary School                           1998-1999
Blue Mountain Elementary School                                        1995-1998
Berkeley Springs SDA School                                                1991-1993

Work-Related Experience

Author for the Collegiate Quarterly                             2011-Present
Grant and Development Services                                     2006-2009
Bell Choir Director Hagerstown MD                                  2003-2006
Bell Choir Director Highland View Academy                     2011-2012
Served on school evaluation teams, MSA Trained                  Current
Administrator for Ann’s House of Nuts                                        1991 
Trained in marketing and sales by Jackson Life and Metropolitan Life Insurance


Gamblin, R. T. (2012). Understanding Learning Styles.
Kids' Ministry Ideas, Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald.

Gamblin, R. T. (2010). Like a Little Child: The Spirituality of Infants and Toddlers. Smithsburg, MD: MRG Media

Gamblin, R. T. (2010). God's Communication Network, MD:
North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists

Gamblin, R. T. (2009). Be an Irresistible Leader,
LEAD, Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald.

Gamblin, R. T. (2009).
Friends in All Places T.E., Hagerstown, MD:
Review and Herald.

Gamblin, R. T. (2008).
King David. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald.

Gamblin, R. T. (April/June 2008).
A Best-kept Secret: God’s Gift of Imagination. Kids’ Ministry Ideas, Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald.

Gamblin, R. T. (June/July 2008). A Volunteer Ministry.
Kids’ Ministry Ideas, Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald.

Gamblin, R. T. (2008).
Castles and Crowns, contributing author, Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald.

Gamblin, R. T. (2008).
Esther the Brave Queen, Hagerstown, MD:
Review and Herald.

Gamblin, R. T. (2008).
Bill’s Lunch, Hagerstown, MD:
Review and Herald.

Gamblin, R. T. (2008).
Organizational Orientations of School Leaders in the Columbia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists,
A Dissertation. Andrews University.

Gamblin, R. T. (2007).
Baby Moses, Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald.

Gamblin, R. T. (2007).
The Birthday Party, Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald.

Gamblin, R. T. (2007).
Joash the Boy King, Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald.

Gamblin, R. T. (2006).
Guide’s Greatest Animal Stories T.E. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald.


God Will Take Care of my Feathers - Smithsburg Valley SDA Church August 2013

Why Should a Church Have a School?-Baltimore White Marsh Adventist Church

Except the Lord . . .-Wilna Seventh-day Adventist Church July 2013

Life Skills Curriculum Inservice - Review and Herald Publishing April 2010

God's Job Description - Smithsburg Valley SDA Church  April 2010

The Inner You - Families Plus! - Frederick MD November 2009

Learning Through Acts of the Apostles - Chesapeake Conf. October 2009

The Heavens Declare the Glory! - Smithsburg Valley SDA Church June, 2009

It’s All In Your Head - Smithsburg Valley SDA Church- February 14 and March 21, 2009

Supporting Adventist Christian Education - Southern Union Conference - Feb. 2009

Organizational K-12 School Leadership - CUSAC - Columbia Union Conference- October, 2008

Growing Your School-Mountain View Teacher’s Convention- August, 2008

Organizational K-12 School Leadership-Andrews University- July, 2008

Learning and Leading-NAD Children’s Ministries in Florida- May, 2008

Children’s Evangelism Workshop-Southern California Conference- April, 2008

Children’s Evangelism Workshop-General Conference of SDA- February, 2008

School of Lay Evangelism (Spanish)-Potomac Conference- January, 2008

Project Affirmation-NAD Celebration of Family Recovery- October, 2007

Writer’s Workshop-NAD ECEC Curriculum Development- August, 2007

My Healthy Body-A Workshop for Children-Upper Columbia Conf. of SDA- June, 2007

Ministry Leadership-New Jersey Conference- April, 2007

My Healthy Body- NAD Early Childhood Education & Care Advisory- March, 2007

Building Community in Your Ministry- NAD/Review- February, 2007

Building Community in Your Ministry-Toronto SDA Church of Canada- January, 2007

Leveling the Learning Field-Columbia Union Conference Teacher’s Convention- October, 1998

* Public Speaking
* Budget planning and implementation
* Community involvement
* Safety planning and implementation
* Various technological abilities--Keyboarding, Presentation
* Publisher, Photoshop
* Organizational skills
* Musical—Organ, Piano, Voice, Bells
* Promotion and Marketing
* Team Building
* Grant Writing
* Broadcast Journalism

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